Just wanted to post a couple of pieces of work by dutch designer Michiel Schurrman more for inspiration than anything else....in his own words...'His work is almost always about altering typography to the point where it fully replaces image. The sometimes psychedelic designs are strongly based on classic typographic laws and high contrasts of patterns and colours.'
You can find more of his work on his blog, here...http://www.michielschuurman.nl/
23 Nov 2010
19 Nov 2010
Finally the last incarnation for the 4Mations website!
Just a few tweeks, dropped the opacity on the background and changed the fills from black to white for the category boxes as the site was looking a bit busy. Also I lost the fill from behind the main logo to help it pop out a bit, also helped this by framing it with the primary navigation bar. Then finally dropped the type down a couple of points and lost the big red pens just to quieten things down a bit and let the white space help the categories to stand alone a bit better. done done and done!
18 Nov 2010
4Mations Evaluation
The 4Mations brief can be split down into four clear parts.
Firstly I was asked to examine and collect visual imagery relating to existing channel 4 brands and evaluate the logo's websites and animations as well as evaluating five sting animations. Following on from this I developed a range of ideas and concepts in sketchbooks around the design of a 4Mations logo to be used in a short sting animation, a preload buffer, a flat website homepage template and also a web banner advert. These concepts were then developed further by using photoshop, illustrator, and Adobe flash and finally I presented them as finished pieces mounted as well as submitting a disk containing the final web banner and all of the design assets involved.
The logo was to be utilised throughout all of the final pieces and I learned that the logo needed to be versatile in that it had to work not only as a flat logo for use on the web page, but also needed to be animated for use in the banner and animations. I feel that on the whole my logo sat well alongside the channel four brand and had several different possibilities towards the treatment I could give it in order to reflect the 4Mations brand. However reflecting on the brief I feel it could have been improved through adding a level of three dimensions as it was limited as to how it could be animated from a flat perspective, therefore if I was to approach the concept again I would also look at working with more consideration to the animation side of the logo and how it could work more when being animated.
The web banner focused on the logo being created by being sketched out during the animation and I felt that this concept could have maybe been explored in a variety of different ways according to where the banner could be used and as a concept was a good starting point from which the sting animation as well as the preload buffer could be based. I feel that although I was pleased with the final banner it only worked as a flat animation and that if I had explored some of the other initial concepts further I could maybe have given the final piece more depth rather than using a more vector based approach. Also as I had not animated using Flash before I found that I underestimated the time needed to complete the web banner and I could have allowed maybe a bit longer for completion.
Both storyboards for the sting animation and the preload buffer followed along the same style as the web banner. I think that I could have also considered broadening the style in which these aspects were carried out in order to show the range of concepts I originally had throughout the development stage in order to show the versatility of the original concept as well as showing that the logo could receive a different variety of treatments i.e. photographic elements or three dimensional elements or even more traditional forms of animation like stop-frame and I feel if I had worked to more structure as far as allowing myself better allocated time for each aspect of the brief I would have been in a better position to have achieved this.
17 Nov 2010
4Mations sting storyboard
Final 4Mations website layouts
I have finally finished the website layouts, quite a lot has changed since the original mock-up, I have tried to drop the type size down a bit to give a feel of a bit more space. Also I have brought in the marker pen from the sting animation and web banner and made it a more prominent feature of the site as it has played such a major part in the rest of the branding and also allowed me to scribble on the layout and loosen it up a bit. Hopefully these are the last changes before submission but you never know!
13 Nov 2010
4Mations Website layouts
Basic layout together, I just have to sort out the colour palette and background imagery. More to follow.
4 Nov 2010
Can you draw the internet? continued...
A nice surprise, I have just had an email from guys at the http://www.canyoudrawtheinternet.com/ site and they have asked if they can use my entry as one of the pieces to be shown on the walls at the workshop to be held for the kids when they come in. It just goes to show that playing around on illustrator for twenty minutes is never a bad thing.
Can you draw the internet?
Found this site pitting designers against 10 yr olds! who can draw the most imaginative picture based on the title 'can you draw the internet.' The site asks for entries to be five minute scribbles up to as long as you want to spend on your entry. Definitely worth a quick scribble!
my pitiful entry!
2 Nov 2010
Wallpaper* Magazine
I found a design your own Wallpaper Magazine cover application at...http://www.wallpaper.com/custom-covers/app and couldn't help myself. Its well worth having a play with, here's a few covers from the site and also one I posted up as well.
1 Nov 2010
4Mations continued...
I'm thinking probably the top left logo is the one I'm going to use mostly unless background images are to similar tonally, however I will also combine photographic elements into the logo if i can as well just to change it up a bit.
The next couple of images are roughs for the web banner, beginning with the pen top being removed and then disappearing, the pen then scribbles from left to right until it disappears off the right hand side of the banner, the banner then keeps scrolling to the right until the whole banner is filled with colour. At this point I need to introduce something so that the viewer clicks on the banner to promote the next bit of the animation, maybe the above animation could just repeat until clicked. Following this the filled banner pans out to reveal the number four part of the logo at which point the pen makes a second appearance to fill in the rest of the logo and possibly becomes a clickable button at the end to link to the site.

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